

Fine fare from the region

When travelling you have to eat and drink. The best solution is to make it part of the travel experience. That is why we offer “Fine fare from the region”: quality food and drink with a focus on simple dishes freshly prepared locally from regional produce.

We know our suppliers personally and see the honest work and commitment that goes into their products. Genuine South Tyrolean farmhouse bacon, smoked sausages, venison salami, Laugenrind beef salami, smoked beef, crunchy flat bread, Vinschgau bread from the Gasser bakery, delicate cheeses from DeGust, cream cheese and butter from the Gatscherhof, farmhouse yoghurt from Lüch da Pcei, Tyrolean grey cheese from the Veiderhof, farmhouse ice-cream, egg pasta, wine pasta, chocolate with Vinschgau apricot filling from Venustis, Puster Valley potatoes, honey, jams from Alpe Pragas, chutneys and mustards, apples, apple juices from Kohl, apple strudel, dried apples, herbal teas, regional wines, grappa and fruit brandies, and something new every time you call – all that is waiting for you at the Lanz service stations.

In our service station by the Europe Bridge we combine regional and artisanal products from North and South Tyrol in an attractive assortment.

That makes Lanz the convenient way to extend your holiday as you enjoy regional specialities – and the perfect place to find a unique present for back home. As as special service, we are happy to gift-wrap your purchases to make highly attractive presents.

Sit down and enjoy

Hot and cold sandwiches, smoked bacon and cheese platters, sausages, pastries, coffee and cake, and freshly pressed fruit juices. – If you are not hungry at first, you will be when you see all the snacks freshly prepared with the best regional ingredients and with loving care. You can actually taste it!

The Lanz brand – all the best

We also offer a highly personal selection of fine fare from the region under our own brand – a label that stands for quality, regional ingredients, craftsmanship and authenticity.

Over a period of more than thirty years, we have built up a network of regional suppliers. We know exactly who makes tasty cheese, traditional smoked bacon and authentic yoghurt, and who produces juicy apples and delicious jams just like grandma made. Our name is your guarantee.

Giving pleasure

We are always happy to assemble a wonderful present for you in a gift basket, carton or crate – for Christmas, Easter or any other event, for the workplace, neighbours or granddad: simple things based on top quality produce, the result of dedicated manual work by local farming families. That is modern luxury.

Do not hesitate to contact us or call on us for advice and suggestions.

  • Lanz Geschenk SÜßES

“A gift is worth as much as the love with which it has been chosen.”Thyde Monnier